Acting Resume
Nicolas diPierro

Height: 5’7” Weight: 145
Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown


“1 Night in San Diego” - lead - Dir. Penelope Lawson
“Go Write Yourself” - supporting - Dir. Silvio Canihuante
“Echo Chamber” - supporting - Dir. Sushant Chaudhary
“Wilde Eastern” (VR film) - supporting - Dir. Penelope Lawson
“Just Sing” - supporting - Dir. Penelope Lawson
“Numb” - supporting - Dir. Penelope Lawson
“Babysitter” - supporting - Dir. Penelope Lawson
“The Bystander” - supporting - Dir. Rikke Louise Schjødt
“Love” - lead - Dir. Penelope Lawson
“Memorial” - lead - Dir. Peter A. Conradi
“Service” - supporting - Dir. Peter A. Conradi

 TV / Web series

“Now, Now, Now” - supporting- Dir. Tom Cavanaugh
“How It Probably Went Down”- lead - Dir. Michael Lew & Rehana Lew Mirza
“Be Right Back” - supporting - Dir. Penelope Lawson
“Deadly Affairs” - lead - ID Network

International Theater

“Lighthouse” - Bobby - Edinburgh Fringe, Dir. Georgia Warner

New York Theater

“With a Little Help, It’s John Belushi” - Phil/Joe Flaherty/Lorne - Theatre 80, Dir. Levy Lee Simon
“Autobiography“ - Brice - Kraine Theater, Dir. John Peña Griswold
“Touch Me“ - Man - TADA! Theater, Dir. Joan Kane
“Thank You For Letting Me Have Sex With You” - Mark - TADA! Theater, Dir. Ivette Dumeng
“Master Class in Suicide Notes Writing” - Violinist - Robert Moss Theater, Dir. Lisa Monde
“The Audience” - Usher - Teatro Circulo, Dir. Kristin Wheeler


NYU Tisch - Dep’t. of Dramatic Writing BFA

The William Esper Studio - Two Year Meisner Program
Acting - William Esper
Acting for the Camera - Linda & David Laundra
Audition Technique - Deb Jackel
Williamson Movement Technique - Ted Morin & Jules Helm
Monologue & Scene Study - David Newer

Other Experience

Professional Touring Bassist & Vocalist
Her & Kings County (Warner Music Nashville)
Wheatus (Sony)
Steed Lord (Iceland)
Kacie Sheik (NYC)

NY state driver license

US passport

Dialects: Brooklyn, Southern US, English, Irish, Icelandic, New England lockjaw

Music: bass guitar, upright bass, jaw harp, rhythm guitar, voice tenor

Skills: mac genius, cat whisperer, outdoor survival, whip cracking, ambidextrous dart player, singing the table of elements.